The industrial loan and investment company failed Nov. 1, 1983.
The savings and loan failed in 1988.
In regions like the Northwest, where few savings and loans have failed, the effect on home and land prices will be scant.
Also failed to mention that it amounts to privately-run institutions receiving public money in the form of Government loans to students.
Their local savings and loan may well have failed, and they are paying with tax dollars for the $300 billion bailout of the industry.
Two of the three savings and loans in the case today failed, as did many others.
Trade deficits persist, savings and loans fail, junk-bond wizards can afford $600 million fines.
In the end, nearly half the savings and loans may fail, and the industry itself may be extinct by the turn of the century.
Estimates of how many savings and loans will fail increase almost daily.
Ultimately, the savings and loan failed, costing taxpayers $161 million in a federal bailout.