To view an interactive map with a partial view of contracts, grants, and loans funded in the 28th Congressional District, follow the steps in the white box above.
As of January 2010, over 1.6 million individuals in these countries have escaped poverty through the formation of small businesses with loans funded by Mentors.
For example New York State regulations require a non servicing "banker" to disclose the exact percentage of loans actually funded and serviced as opposed to sold/brokered.
The Land Purchase Bill enabled landlords in Ireland-mostly Protestants-to sell their land to the their tenants who were to be financed by British loans funded by £120,000,000 secured on British credit at 3%.
However, most women could not afford this and were either asked to give whatever they could afford, or were given a no interest loan funded through the collective.
In Wanyange, the village cook had expanded her operation and another woman had diversified her chicken-raising business to include rabbits with micro-credit loans funded by U.S. aid.
Direct loans, however, are low-interest loans funded by the U.S. government.
February 5: Mortgage Lenders Network USA Inc., the country's 15th largest subprime lender with $3.3 billion in loans funded in third quarter 2006, files for Chapter 11.