During the same period, loans extended by branches of foreign banks had increased by $17 billion.
Such an increase would make 1990 the second consecutive year in which nonperforming loans increased by more than $1 billion.
Also, the loan would increase supplies of wood used by peasants for cooking and heating.
As a result, Norwest saw its non-performing loans increase 500 percent from 1983 to 1984, to more than $500 million.
But loans increase a nation's debt burden, which has cut into the health budgets of many countries.
In dollar amounts, the loans to the area increased to $25 million from $15 million.
By then, your £300 33.3% per month loan with compound interest will have increased to around £297,975,538.
Since the launch of the project, loans and deposits have increased dramatically.
"The company still suffers from a lack of earnings power," he said, noting that loans are not increasing.
Total nonperforming loans increased only slightly from the year earlier, to $3.2 billion.