He and his partner spent about $220,000 on the mining and the loan schemes.
The average student is much better off under our arrangements of a combined grant and loan scheme than previously.
The most realistic approach would be simply to expand the loan scheme, massively.
Thus, women's savings and loan schemes are the foundation for all collective action.
If the outlines of the prosecutors' case prove true, the loan scheme would be the largest ever in Japan, and perhaps the world.
A new loan scheme for students is to be introduced on 1 January 2014.
The November 1988 white paper on the loan scheme proposed a move to gross income.
Other funding came from a loan scheme that was not finally paid off until 1946.
For graduates we have a special loan scheme to help with the transition to full-time employment.
And he intends to call for loan schemes in a bid to make safety equipment available to everyone.