In addition, the bill contains a loan-guarantee program for building ships, helping shipyards like Tenneco's big yard in Newport News, Va.
The 13 sad, sagging buildings that constitute Roxse Homes offer a particularly striking example of what can go wrong in the loan-guarantee program after an owner defaults.
In 1983, Ms. Mirman and Mr. Ross opened their first shop with money from the Government's loan-guarantee program, intended to help capital-short entrepreneurs.
The Small Business Administration's popular loan-guarantee program will run out of money this week, a victim of the Clinton Administration's inability to push its economic stimulus package through Congress.
Under the loan-guarantee program, the United States would deduct the cost of any "political" settlements from the amount of loan guarantees.
Help them find financing, either through loan-guarantee programs (Growth Guarantees) or direct funding (Pioneer Fund)
Airline executives, lawmakers and others lobbied fiercely yesterday to influence the final rules governing the loan-guarantee program, which was passed by Congress two weeks ago.
As evidence of the state's commitment to attracting new businesses, Mr. McGee said that Connecticut was making credit more easily available with a $1 billion loan and loan-guarantee program.
Moreover, Mr. Darman persuaded Congress to impose new controls on Government loans and loan-guarantee programs.
He encouraged farmers to be more aggressive in applying for the department's loan-guarantee programs.