I'm not surprised there weren't two many well wishes for Murray; he has been rather loathsome character in the past.
Her biggest problem early on was that she considered Scarlett "a thoroughly loathsome character."
He's a somewhat loathsome character.
Truly loathsome characters that you can't help but watch.
Is Epstein suggesting that compromises, meretricious works and loathsome characters cannot be found in law schools, corporations or (for that matter) great universities?
"I am all for another magazine, but I think that the inclusion of Taki, who is a pretty loathsome character, will hurt their credibility," he says.
The protagonist, Montgomery, ends up being a loathsome character, a coward who will sell anyone in the prison out to get an early release.
My pal Marty Peretz told the BBC that Clinton had been "a big burden" to me, and that he had a "deeply flawed" and "loathsome character."
But the evening's real star is Ms. Ivey, who brings a radioactive comic energy to her appealingly loathsome character.