On the goal line, maybe I can help with a lob pass or a block because from a yard away those things matter.
The second was a 17-yard lob pass over the middle to tight end Eric Green.
He seemed to know where everyone was, when to get them the ball and how - lob pass, bounce pass, chest pass.
The drop pass is similar to the lob pass.
Once set, he could receive a bounce pass, or a high lob pass, and turn over his left shoulder for the shot.
His offense was so bad that observers were beginning to question whether he had lost more than just a lob pass against the Knicks.
Van Horn took a lob pass and hit a layup.
Tommy, we need a perfect lob pass into Ziggy.
No Western player could break through to tip-in the lob pass!
We throw the lob pass, it's tipped and it goes in.