After the show, the lobby cafe was nearly empty, a shadow of the jumping Friday night scene I remembered from the early 1990's.
I take a seat in the lobby cafe with other excited audience members and actors chatting in half a dozen languages.
The newest addition is a lobby cafe, "Encore by Quarropas."
Soup, Salad and Sixplex Angelika, which opened in September 1989, has a lobby cafe that serves homemade soups, salads and espresso.
Afterwards I met the deputy general manager, Dragana, for coffee in the chic lobby cafe.
He found a newspaper, ordered a latte at the lobby café, and stretched out in a deep leather seat in the sun.
A day after the official opening, Ronald Schröter sat in the lobby cafe, looking stunned.
Special touches abound, like free homemade strawberry-flavored lemonade at check-in, free Internet service in the lobby cafe and $9-to-$12 meals for the return flight home.
The lobby cafe can be too bustling for some, but it's a good place to grab a cup of coffee or a quick bite before your movie.
The Harbour Grill is ideal for intimate dining and other options include Japanese and Chinese restaurants, and an excellent lobby café.