Billing records and emails indicate Boulanger had 31 instances of lobbying contacts with the White House while at Greenberg.
Lobbying contacts for Client "A" addressed all environmental restoration funding within the Defense Department bill.
Last week, the House passed a measure recommending tightened restrictions on lobbyists, including detailed reports of lobbying contacts on Federal programs.
He is also backing legislation that would require candidates and delegates to disclose finances and lobbying contacts.
It also charges he lied about lobbying contacts to the grand jury and to a House subcommittee.
Under Federal ethics laws, former Government officials are barred from a variety of lobbying contacts with their former colleagues.
Prohibits senior Senate staff and Senate officers from lobbying contacts with the entire Senate for one year, instead of just their former employing office.
Prohibits Senate spouses who are registered lobbyists from engaging in lobbying contacts with any Senate office.
Prohibits Senators' immediate family members who are registered lobbyists from engaging in lobbying contacts with their family member's staff.
Mr. Deaver is charged with lying about lobbying contacts he had with officials in the Reagan Administration after he left office.