The encounter is shaping up as one of most interesting lobbying battles of the season.
But the heart of the lobbying battle is the arguments being made on both sides.
During that time, the lobbying battle will be intense, with the long-distance giants doing their best to have the petition denied.
The amount of money at stake in the lobbying battle is comparatively tiny.
The lobbying battle is essentially shaping up as a fight between older airlines and everyone else.
An issue that most members of Congress never heard of until a few months ago has blossomed into a major lobbying battle.
The lobbying battle moved to the Senate, and though the federal agency ultimately survived, its funds were drastically cut.
The nation's milk producers and food manufacturers are locked in a lobbying battle over that very question.
The restrictions are the subject of an expensive lobbying battle.
With the hearings set to begin next Monday, both sides are seeking to open new fronts in their lobbying battle.