The name given to the peak by local Aboriginals was Wummun.
At the time of the first European discovery, the area was known to local Aboriginals as "Moor-ilup".
Geera spent all day sitting, hunched over and watching the camps of the local Aboriginals and looking out to sea to her five sisters.
He introduced not only Mass to local Aboriginals but also the Cabbage to their diet.
She often played with local aboriginals in a groove of trees along Bullockhead Creek.
In the Pilbara, that means finding workers among local Aboriginals.
With the help of local Aboriginals they caught crocodiles for the next 10 years for breeding purposes.
The site was primarily used to trade furs with the local aboriginals for European goods.
Joe, who has a strong bond with the local Aboriginals enlists their support.
Only the local Aboriginals seem to recognize the cosmological significance of these weather phenomena.