In the past, local Bedouin on horseback would charge through the kilometre-long gorge, with travellers crammed into their wagons behind.
However, the adoption of motorized means of transportation by the local Bedouins had made the prohibition to a large extent unenforceable.
While crossing the Sinai, the king's army fought local Bedouins called the Shasu.
The technology for the construction was low, with most of the workforce being local Bedouins.
But local Bedouins said that instead of digging tunnels from inside homes, they started outside to avoid the Egyptian authorities' linking them to an individual.
When the tourist industry started to bloom, local Bedouins increasingly moved into new service positions such as cab drivers, tour guides, campgrounds or cafe managers.
Thus the army has delivered a threatening message to local Bedouin, compelling them to cooperate with state troops and officials.
After the Taba attacks, the government made sweeping arrests throughout the area, saying local Bedouins were involved.
The Crusaders received help from some local Bedouin.
It's important to note that the nature of these future communities, whether agricultural, rural, suburban or urban will be decided in full cooperation with the local Bedouin.