It got so bad two weeks ago that she made a telephone call to her local councilman asking him to take action.
It was erected in honour of a local Councilman.
One daughter teaches kindergarten, and the other used to work for the local Councilman.
The local Councilman, Antonio Pagan, got $475,000 from the city to spruce up the avenue.
But the local Councilman, Andrew Eristoff, said people were still disturbed by the noise.
We go to coffees to support the candidates and later we call that local councilman for a yield sign on our corner.
Joel Rivera, the local councilman, tried to say a few short words, but the loudspeaker turned his voice to mud.
As a matter of fact, I can't stand and chat, I have our local councilman on the phone.
A small portion of voters chooses elected offices, from the president to the local councilman or councilwoman.
When he got home, he watched the meeting and then got on the phone to his local councilman.