Due to a lack of central power this protective function was left to local knights.
My friends and family threw a spaghetti dinner fund-raiser at the local Knights of Columbus to help us out with the costs.
As the adult female begins to teach her daughter the secret of fire, a pair of local knights arrive to kill the dragon.
Send for the reservists, call up the local knights, and bring in the detachments from Caracorum and Malevenutum.
By 1888, however, there were 43 local Knights of Labor organizations in Colorado, including several in mining communities.
Other organizations, such as a local Knights of Columbus chapter, also serve food to pilgrims in tents.
Saint Augustine Church was recently restored with by a local Knights of Columbus group.
The Articles of Eyre appointed local knights as coroners to record crown pleas to be presented to the justices.
When Alfar'd built enough of a power base, one of the local knights got worried, and tried to knock him down before he grew too big.
Several former Giants announced they would play for the local Knights of Columbus squad instead.