In recent years there has been elevated tension between local Māori and anglers over access to the river.
Taraia's men attacked and killed many of the local Māori.
During that time, he pursued negotiations over land with local Māori.
Three redoubts were built above the river, an act that was taken by local Māori as a challenge.
Surveys were completed in 1878, despite opposition from local Maori, putting the cost of the 54km line at £178,000.
This caused huge resentment among local Maori who had grown use to the wealth provided by trade.
Sacred to local Māori, it has the clearest natural fresh water in the world.
The mountain summits are of great significance to the local Māori.
Barrett dealt with the local Māori and bought land from them.
While there, he successfully negotiated land deals with local Māori.