Instead, the initiative has been taken by local McDonald's restaurants in places like Chicago and Miami.
Equally convincing were the crowds that turned up for "live" appearances by an actor dressed as the Mac Tonight character at local McDonald's restaurants.
So far, he said $314,000 had been returned to the Hess Company as were several bags of money to local McDonald's restaurants.
The local McDonald's also takes meat off the menu and instead sells burgers made of mushrooms.
A three-story sign advertising a local McDonald's has caught more than the eye of passing drivers hankering for Happy Meals.
The training includes working in local McDonald's restaurants.
At a local McDonald's, where Bob McGreevy, 72, gathers with his friends every morning to have coffee, many said they were appalled by the reports.
"I had taken my junior high class on a field trip, and we stopped at the local McDonald's for lunch," Adamcik said.
It is also available in local McDonald's restaurants as an addition to McFlurry ice cream.
Cross the line and take the street called Omotesando, opposite the local McDonald's.