The president of the teamsters local, Jack Miller, said the loss was a temporary setback.
The increases would be the same as those reached last year between the local teamsters' union and the city, he said.
"When you get all there is, you've done your job," said Barry Feinstein, the president of the teamsters local.
Barry Feinstein, the president of the teamsters' local, said there were no give-backs.
Officials of a teamsters local that had voted to strike the hotel have denied involvement.
Collectively they logged a century and a half as drivers and members of the teamsters' local 312 in Chester.
"We think this is a clear violation of our contract," said Bill Turis, business manager for the teamsters' local.
A Federal prosecutor said today that three witnesses would testify that they were paid by the teamsters' local here but never had to work.
A teamsters local representing mailers, workers who combine sections of the newspaper at the plant, also argues that new technology has cost them work.
Then it denied a request in a case that involved a teamsters local in Philadelphia.