According to reports provided by local Tories, Pitcairn knew cannon had been buried on the property.
It seems that once again local Tories are following the Central Office line if you haven't any credible policies of your own, rubbish everyone else's.
Angela Cartwright had been the chairman of the local Tories for the past two years.
He had told her of that morning's meeting between the local Tories and Norman Fowler.
John Taylor became one of the best known prospective parliamentary candidates when some local tories objected to his selection.
All three people are local prominent Tories.
His success was met with hostility from the local Tories.
Later the gun was taken to Point Judith, despite local Tories attempts to disarm the weapon.
Then and later he became known as "Devil David" for his zeal in suppressing the local Tories.
Will you be joining the local tories in the near future?