"On the Internet a lot of people are just figuring out that they can combine local activism with information, but we've been doing it for years."
During the decade of the '80's, Bushell became involved in local political activism.
Students organized a public campaign via social media and local activism, which brought it to the attention of the News media.
Some of the local activism that used to infuse neighborhood political clubs has shifted to community boards.
In 2010, local activism led to plans for the church to acquire a new function.
While local activism certainly played a role, most of the social, economic, and cultural changes during this period were driven by technocrats in the colonial government.
Sometimes local activism does help resolve foreign-policy matters in which moral issues are at stake.
Alternatively, the Scoop is also an independent paper that provides information on local activism and events for free.
We have to have grassroots organizations doing exactly that kind of thing: coordinated local activism.
It is a spectacular example of a recent wave of local activism in Japan.