Its outcome was shown in June 1903 at Bielsko Shooting Gallery at a display of local antiquities.
Now based in Bath he was able to investigate the many local antiquities and published many articles and two books on that city.
Hearder reportedly had an excellent memory, and held a passion for matters connected with local antiquity and history.
They talked about local antiquities and discussed the popular London newspaper The Tatler.
His blue camlet cloak was a local antiquity, like the church-spire.
It includes local antiquities as well as artifacts from African and Asian countries that traded with Dubai.
Sharp settled at Hartlepool and took up the study of local antiquities.
He had continued to be interested in local antiquities, publishing an archaeological newsletter, which never mentioned the British excavations.
The big man in black seemed very learned, especially about local antiquities; the small man in black, though he talked much less, surprised me with a yet wider culture.
After his return he settled at Carlisle, and devoted himself to the study of local antiquities.