A number of research projects are done in collaboration with local beekeepers.
"There's no way in the world we're going to be ready," said Darrell Lister, a Houston beekeeper and former president of the local beekeepers' association.
Frankly, being rubbed all over with honey from a local beekeeper can be done less expensively and more comfortably in one's own bathtub.
The site of the former chapel was at the southern end of Whitton Road, beside Heatham House, and is now the location of the local beekeepers' association.
Although the island is uninhabited, it is frequently used by shepherds for pasture and by local beekeepers who keep apiaries on the island.
She also helps a local beekeeper tend his hives.
I spent a few evenings on a course held by my local beekeepers' association, attended their teaching apiary class, and now have bees of my own.
To prevent this, in 2006 growers such as Paramount Citrus in California threatened to sue local beekeepers to keep bees away from their crops.
Farmers have used local beekeepers to pollinate crops for hundreds of years.
A few miles down the road, a gleaming new processing plant, financed by contributions from hundreds of local beekeepers, is also buzzing with activity.