The superstitious locals feared he could cast the Evil Eye on them, blamed him for any problems with their livestock, and generally avoided him.
It's going to be tough enough keeping control with the locals blaming us for that.
In the 1910s locals blamed the cormorants for depleting Lake Shetek's fish population and organized a hunt to extirpate them.
Some locals blame the stronger law enforcement by the crisis and economic decline of the city.
Community members said they were angry that Zimbabweans were employed while locals remained jobless and blamed the foreigners for a number of crimes.
Many locals blame the barge for the catastrophic inundation of the area.
In fact, many locals there have blamed the negative publicity for hastening the slide of the city's reputation.
The locals blamed it for all sorts of unexplained events.
The locals blame the "206ers" - people like myself from the Seattle metro area code.
The locals blame this on commercial fishermen shooting the sharks if they are caught in their nets.