Not many miles away from the capital of Wales - Cardiff and the Guardian is closing that local blog down.
They had begun a network of local blogs to promote transparency in each city and town in Rhode Island.
In June 2008, board member Bruce Skaug resigned his position after posting a comment on a local blog.
And yet this is the most 'local' blog that accepts entries and discussion about current policy discussions.
The Somervell County Salon is a local blog that has historical audio and video of public meetings.
The E.P. received many warm reviews from local and national blogs.
Comparisons to a new Park Avenue for Brooklyn are being made, with occasional snickers, on local blogs.
Let me know if you see any good links - YouTube, local media coverage, local blogs etc.
In a post on a local political blog, Mr. Krayeske suggested that he was planning to protest at the governor's inaugural ball.
What's Good in the Hood (est.2010), a local blog produced by youth, covers stories about Lawrence.