The restrictions lasted about 100 years, then were repealed on the initiative of a local businesswoman.
"Many die every week," said An Nguyen, a local businesswoman who does volunteer work to help elderly Vietnamese veterans.
He lives for a time under an assumed name, Claude Kaufmann, and begins a relationship with a local businesswoman.
Macau already has several Apple resellers, and as I chatted with a local businesswoman on Thursday afternoon, she brought up Jobs's death.
Farmer's television program led to her popularity as an amiable host and she subsequently received an award as a local businesswoman of the year.
She is also a local businesswoman.
He spent several years on the run before moving to Paris, France, where he fell in love with a local businesswoman named Louise.
The day I visited Dr. Hetzler's office, a local businesswoman named Penny - energetic and attractive at 56 - had a consultation.
Miss Ivy Laver, a successful local businesswoman, was responsible for building the main park of Toorak Gardens, Fergusson Square.