After a variety of odd jobs, Balaban found steady employment as an errand boy for local clothiers, hauling woolens and delivering suits.
The mill was first built in 1808 by John Brown, the son of a local clothier.
The small dog of Sam Schwab, a local clothier, was attached to an 8-foot parachute and made the jump with Harris.
It was rebuilt in its present state a year later with funding from local clothiers.
Probably the earliest fulling mill in Saddleworth, Walk Mill would have been a common meeting place for the local clothiers.
"Hit Sign, Win Suit" adorned the outfield at Brooklyn's Ebbets Field, courtesy of a local clothier, Abe Stark.
It was rebuilt the following year with funding from local clothiers.
Stockton House, a country house in Chilmark stone at the north end of the village, was built by John Topp, a local clothier, around 1603.
Dewsbury market was established in the 14th century for local clothiers.
The house was built from 1771 to 1774 for Edward Sheppard, a local clothier, and altered for Ricardo to the designs of George Basevi (a relation), c. 1820.