I took a leave of absence to create a local urban coalition in Northern California.
Now, some foresee an era where the power moves to activists, who create local coalitions around specific issues.
Except them, there are deputies from two other parties and one local coalition.
The delay in 10 cities had in many instances allowed more time for local coalitions to be negotiated.
Its first year created a network of twenty local coalitions, drawing worldwide notice.
In 2010 the organization launched ten more local coalitions and paved the way for numerous others to launch in 2011.
Smaller employers often push for quality by pooling their market power in local coalitions of health care buyers.
In 8 more municipalities, the CUP ran as part of local coalitions.
In recent decades local coalitions requested financing for a new pavilion, which finally received approval from the borough president two years ago.
In the early '80s, a local coalition formed to wrest control of the park away from drug addicts and pushers.