Further, local commissioners, responding to outrage over earlier decisions, may be more willing to consider the financial impact of their requirements.
But the return to this delicate public role as a truly local commissioner also brings new complications for Mr. Kelly, 65.
Ultimately such a plan would have to go before the local commissioners of Nassau County, the island's governing entity, for approval.
In cases of extreme hardship, exemptions can still be granted by the local commissioner of jurors.
Swelling the commercial cacophony on television are office-seekers as local as state representative and county commissioner.
Already, local commissioners are collecting names of people who are suspected of breaking the stringent new set of rules.
As town gossip began to spread and tongues began to loosen it became known that the local military commissioners were, in fact, behind these actions.
Let's go talk with the local commissioner.
We covered the local commissioner's race.
He said that the local commissioners would be needed to help with the task of identifying problems as more schools became academies.