Regulated translocation increases the local concentration of the signaling protein.
Gravity is simply the distortion in space-time produced by a local concentration of energy.
In other words, when the local concentration of these molecules has reached a threshold, the cells respond by switching on particular genes.
Now assume that there are a large number of such particles, with local concentration as a function of position.
Despite local concentrations, the grunion is not an abundant species.
However, local concentrations exist there near artificial water sources.
When neurons are active, they release potassium, increasing the local extracellular concentration.
Anyone may now own an unlimited number of radio stations, subject only to caps on local concentration.
Moreover, its antierosive effect is more pronounced than the anti-inflammatory one probably because of the low local concentrations.
Let's begin by asking what method we ourselves would use to produce intense local concentrations of energy.