Some locals, particularly the elderly, continue to use the "Wong" pronunciation.
In many developing countries, locals survive by collecting specimens for the aquarium trade., and continue to introduce new species to the market.
However, locals continue to campaign for the use of industrial waste as fuel to cease.
But locals continued to care for the arch, painting it red, white and blue in 1976 and hot pink in 1994.
While this name appeared on some maps, most locals continued to call it "Congo Square".
The locals, however, continued to refer to the building as the Hurva.
Large locals continued to jealously guard this autonomy against encroachments by international officers.
Many locals became russified and continue to claim Russian ethnicity today.
Lowell hosted the event from 1987 to 1989, and the locals continued this festival starting in 1990.
Apparently locals continued to use the nearby Horse Creek ford for smuggling.