The body of the pilot and the black box were later recovered and moved to the local coroner's office.
The apparent cause was a heart attack, the local coroner's office said.
The local coroner revealed that Brown died from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head.
But the local coroner's office has the same problem we do.
Because the local coroner was not available, no autopsy was done.
I also hope that there will be a verdict from the local coroner, which will help everyone understand exactly what happened.
So overwhelmed is the local coroner's office here that it has been forced to double-stack bodies.
The local coroner ruled that the evidence suggested the baby had been abducted by the animal and probably killed.
His body was sent to the local coroner's office for an autopsy.
Seated at the head of the long table was the local coroner.