And when she comes to town the local distilleries put on an extra shift.
It was founded in the beginning of the 18th century as a village for workers of the local distillery, which was closed in 1848.
These companies have encountered no problems in setting up representative offices or even establishing local distilleries that produce domestic-label brands.
Many people bring their fruit to the local distillery to make Palinka (sometimes more than 40% alcohol).
Eager to do real engineering, Colles designed and built a steam engine for a local distillery, which he funded from his own pocket.
He refused to grow hops and barley or grind malt for the local distillery.
The city has a lot of local distilleries which produce a broad range of vodka brands.
This is a modern, recently established hotel, set in an historic listed building which formerly housed a famous local distillery.
In 1909 the first Quay was built to ship the produce of a local distillery.
Try Macoucherie rum from the local distillery, which grows its own sugar cane.