The matte black and solid chrome cruisers, draped with young men in mesh-back caps, clustered outside the local dive on Washington Boulevard.
This very local dive is packed with a mix of villagers and a Bennington College crowd.
Ko Mae Urai is one of the more unique local dives, with two submarine tunnels lined with soft and hard corals.
A few are well-known tourist meccas, and others are local dives.
F Map Drinking in this smoky local dive is a daring social experiment.
Haynie would work through the week, then let off steam on Friday by retiring to Margaritas, a local dive where the beer was cheap and plentiful.
One of the novel's repeated gags is Hollis's pathetic showing as a bar stool raconteur at his local dive.
Although reluctant to attend college, it appealed more than enlisting in the army or continuing dishwashing for sub-par wages at local dives.
Of course, a man and his guitar are more than enough for a local dive, but touring the nation generally needs a bit more oomph.
Only negative was we returned to the same sites the second day, surely we could have found another good local dive so we didn't have to repeat.