However she was discovered by a local diver in 1983, split into two just forward of the gun by a mine.
While you eat, local divers try to outdo each other from the 10m-tall cliffs.
The hiring of a professional local diver for serving as tour guide is strongly recommended.
The schooner may be the same one which had been revealed to a few local divers in the past by a marine contractor.
The pathway used to be used only by local divers.
I like diving with local divers so if you know of any of those, that'd be great.
It was discovered by local divers in the 1980s.
In the 1980s, local divers discovered a striking underwater rock formation off the southernmost point of the island.
A local diver wrote a letter accusing the photographer, leading to an internal inquiry.
These structures were identified by local divers in 1988.