They stop at a local eatery where they encounter a group of bikers.
The city is home to a variety of local eateries and national restaurant chains, some of which have been in business for decades.
Explore the city's viscera, and you'll find interesting local eateries.
Pedestrianisation of the high street encouraged the local eateries to have outside dining.
Most of the local eateries were either fast food or steak houses.
It's basically a boardwalk filled with many different local eateries.
For those running local eateries, their focus isn't so much on how to tolerate traffic, but how to take advantage of it.
(A list of top local eateries has been thoughtfully left in our room.)
As her mother was a cook she found work in a local eatery as well.
His weekly radio show draws a packed house at a local eatery.