It will serve as test track for the first mass transit system to be built and developed in the country by local engineers.
This is show that the ability of local engineers at the late 19th century.
Some speculated that the strike talk was nothing more than an attempt by the engineers' local to scare the railroad.
No, better to get it up and running in a steady state, leaving the fine-tuning to the local engineers.
In charge of the structural design was a local 37 years old civil engineer, who got only a temporary permit to practice.
We agree get your local engineer by personal recommendation and trust and use him.
The local engineers had moved slowly up the tiers to stand to the side.
So they were the first in Lithuania, designed and built by local engineers.
If in doubt about anything to do with maintenance, consult your local friendly engineer.
This encouraged local engineers and architects to solve a long-standing problem of a crossing over the river.