Lund also has a city theatre (though without a professional local ensemble of its own) and a number of other places for concerts and theatres.
He also conducted several local ensembles in Princeton, as well as military orchestras during his Army service, from 1943 to 1945.
Influenced by classic rock bands, he started playing drums in a local ensemble, emerging as a multi-instrumentalist after attending Mon..
Ballarat has a lively and well established theatrical community with several local ensembles as well as a number of large performing arts venues.
Best Bet Visiting orchestras come and go, but local ensembles stay put all season.
He participated in numerous local ensembles during his childhood, and recalls starting to compose at the piano aged around 8.
He also found time to write music for several local ballet ensembles.
Turney had little luck in New York, however, and returned to Ohio to play in local ensembles through the 1950s.
Mostad's music has also been performed by local amateur ensembles.
But most of the local ensembles were run like mom and pop shops.