Between 30 and 50 percent of Jewish households in the United States typically contribute to their local federation.
That's one of the more important stars in our local federation!
Scouting is represented in Madagascar by its own local federation of three scouting clubs.
Mosaic will ship copies of the magazine to the local federations, which will them send them free to the donors.
- A pilot running children's centres as part of local mutual federations.
Again, the local federation won its parent's award, as local of the year.
In fact, any funds raised are often given to the local Jewish federations to assist with efforts in Israel.
The local federations have been pushing hardest for change.
Over its short life it grew into a major movement, with local federations in many countries developing strong bases of working class activism.
A local federation shall have as a decision-making body a federation assembly or a federation directorate.