She would talk pilots into letting her ride on local flights.
I can't see that flying all the way back to the UK and return would be cheaper than buying some local flights!
However, local inter-island flights will generally only allow one piece at 20kg.
Christchurch International Airport was only open for emergency air traffic, but has now been opened to all local and domestic flights.
Land cost, with accommodations and most meals, is $1,860 a person, double occupancy; air fares, including local flights, are another $1,580.
Must have been on a local flight though.
The package costs from £2,995 per person, including b & b, international and local flights and transfers.
Cost: $5,395, including international and local flights, breakfast daily, one lunch and eight dinners.
It would have been possible to make a local flight to try out the photography, but he preferred to fly to Brattalid to do it.
The flying collection performs at air shows and is made available for local flights by museum visitors.