Naturally, the local gastronomy has a lot of fish on it.
The local gastronomy incorporates a large range of tasty products derived from the Iberian pig.
In those days Ravenna was the capital city of the Exarchate, and that would explain how the Greco-Byzantine recipe entered the local gastronomy.
Carps of the valley of the Aisch in the local gastronomy.
The views across its undulating plains, revealing castles and monasteries now converted into boutique hotels, are splendid - as is the local gastronomy.
To discover is the local gastronomy which very appreciated by all the visitors.
Other "Regional Pousadas" were inaugurated, always with a small number of rooms and a special attention to the local gastronomy.
The fish caught is sold fresh but certain species such as a small fish called ouzaf play a big role in the local gastronomy.
The local gastronomy results from the fusing of the Minho and fishing cookery.
Besides the other typical Central Italy foods, the local gastronomy is renowned for crayfish and trouts.