As it was, he had been forced to use local gunmen with a range of hunting rifles and shotguns.
With his cooperation, all known local gunmen of his and rival gangs were rounded up on Election Eve.
He's a local gunman of some sort.
Traffic jams returned, in some cases worse than before the war because of the military checkpoints and streets still blocked off by local gunmen.
But in November, more than a score of local gunmen attacked the silo and set it ablaze.
Hawkins shoots a local gunman questioning him, alerting the terrorists.
Consequently, several gun battles took place in the capital between local gunmen and peacekeepers.
Reporters in search of action elsewhere have often had to go it alone on dangerous roads and under the protection of local gunmen for hire.
In fighting with local gunmen, five Palestinians were killed.
There, too, arrangements had to be made with local gunmen so they would not shoot at the workers.