It is a Greek Revival house built in the 1830s by a local hotelier.
For all the efforts, though, local hoteliers lament that their clients are still fearful about returning.
Most local hoteliers and guesthouse owners, who said they had not been told of this, left before the vote was taken.
In March 2000, local hoteliers filed the first of several lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the hotel room tax.
Further to this, he commented that he would be willing to spend more on advertising the town than any of the local hoteliers had.
A local hotelier tried to capitalize with an extravagant celebration, but it attracted only several hundred people.
American tourists wanting to spend a night in a real English castle have helped make £750,000 expansion plans possible for a local hotelier.
The new church met not only a spiritual need in the area but also provided a selling point for local hoteliers.
But local hoteliers are warning that changing the venue would cost the local economy a million pounds a year.
The local hoteliers reacted to the report's becoming public this week like a man with a hangover hearing an alarm clock.