Changing ethnicity on Long Island may be a factor for the local increase in popularity.
But the seeming lockstep progress of state cuts and local increases does not take into account two other elements in the debate.
By calculating rates for each of these areas it is possible to examine the geographical extent of any apparently local increase.
This local increase in order is, however, only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings; here more disorder must be created.
The laser light provides an excellent means to induce a local increase of temperature in the tissue, which can be used for cancer therapy.
Geometric discontinuities cause an object to experience a local increase in the intensity of a stress field.
It shows how costs increase for each resident as the quantity of the local public good increases.
There will be a local increase in truck traffic when soil is brought to and from the site.
Recently historians have been reasserting the view that the social consequences of parliamentary enclosures included a local increase in poverty.
Worse, any local increase will do nothing for the millions of fans not part of local networks.