Beginning in the 1980s, national, state and local intermediaries formed to improve the financial and technical plight of non-profit housing developers.
In 2009, the US-based nonprofit Zidisha became the first peer-to-peer microlending platform to link lenders and borrowers directly across international borders without local intermediaries.
NIB channels its financing to small and medium-sized enterprises through local intermediaries.
Trains would follow a predetermined operating plan, known as the timetable, unless superseded by train orders conveyed to the train from the dispatcher, through local intermediaries.
Goldsmith and Wu also describe how governments began to pressure or control local intermediaries in order to restrict Internet content.
In 2009 the US-based nonprofit Zidisha tapped into this trend to offer the first peer-to-peer microlending platform to link lenders and borrowers across international borders without local intermediaries.
The differential between the local and international price reflects the costs involved in transporting output from mines and the profit margins taken by local, regional and global intermediaries.
The involvement of and dialogue with local financial intermediaries is welcome.
In 2009, Zidisha became the first peer-to-peer lending service to operate across international borders without local intermediaries.
For example, the US-based nonprofit Zidisha offers an eBay-style peer-to-peer microlending platform that link lenders and borrowers directly across international borders without local intermediaries.