The bulk of the Bretons were probably quite an ineffective force, just local levies.
He also has some local levies.
Various localities have local levies so that in some areas the rate is 6 percent.
The commanders of the local levies were always different from the commanders of the urban garrisons.
Krystal had been out for the past eight-day, doing something with the local levies around Ruzor, and I'd hoped to have some time with her.
In 1545 a battle took place in Yaverland between French forces and local levies.
Their king was a personal friend of Tostig, and Tostig's unpopularity made it difficult to raise local levies to combat them.
The Romans moved auxiliaries around the frontiers and also relied on local levies.
Missouri's sales tax rate for most items is 4.225%; additional local levies may apply.
Like the committees of July 1936, they issued passports, raised local levies, licensed apothecaries.