Now "bazaar" has entered the local lexicon, too, with the opening last month of Desert Passage, a shopping mall with a Middle Eastern theme.
Mr. Quaid's promise at the end of every ad - "We'll get back to you soon with more details"- has become part of the local lexicon.
The latter is widely used in the Maluku Islands as a second language and is a simplified form of Indonesian language with additions of the local lexicon.
When a restaurant describes itself as semicasual (the word formal is not in the local lexicon), that means men probably should wear shirts with collars.
Like Iron Curtain, Fifth Column was now part of the local lexicon.
It has entered the local lexicon as a reference to the prison and aspects of it, e.g., getting sent to Auburn Prison is "going to work for Copper John."
There still exists some controversy relative to the origin of Bretanha in the local lexicon.
If the team has not enthused ticket holders, it has at least inspired the local lexicon.
IN a city where culinary innovation is not part of the local lexicon, Il Laboratorio del Galileo is causing a sensation.
Italy is going through another crisis this month, a word that in the local political lexicon defines the period after one Government falls and before another emerges to takes its place.