Vincent is the local magnate, owning lodgings, an ice plant and a grocery store.
At first they were royal agents sent out by Charles but after c. 802 they were important local magnates.
On the horizon stands an obelisk, a needle of stone, placed there by some local magnate a hundred and fifty years ago.
These depredations and the lack of a firm response by corrupt local magnates were to have a violent sequel to which we shall return.
Craig was a businessman and a local magnate.
Soon building was transferred to local magnates, who provided ability to settle a town according to Magdeburg Rights in 1349.
The local magnates exercised a limited but real authority entirely independent of the colonial administration.
Moreover, his sturdy independence lost him the custom of many of the local magnates.
All the people of the parish had to be buried there, at considerable cost, so it was where the local magnates installed their memorials.
Vincent served as a local magnate in various offices(he was a justice of the peace from 1538 to his death).