The local, largely organic menu offers creative interpretations of meat and fish dishes.
More and more local menus are sounding the promise of Lourdes.
Nothing about the possible bomb in the subway, even on the local menu; but then the services hardly bothered reporting that sort of thing anymore.
Muslims are prohibited from eating pork, so it is not included in local menus.
An eclectic local menu, not to mention a bar in the shape of a green mamba, leave no doubt one is in Africa.
When have you seen stir-fried cuttlefish and conch on a local menu?
They are often referred to on local menus under the heading sabaw (broth).
Here, a classic local menu is served in an elegant ambience.
In truth, the creature has merely nibbled its way from near oblivion to play a marginal if lively role on local menus.
On menus, "local and sustainable" is the new "farm fresh."