Mr. Marwa finally found his relative in the local morgue.
An employee at a local morgue said at least two Iraqi policemen were among the dead.
"I felt like a coroner in the local morgue," he said.
The body of the captain was taken to a local morgue awaiting a shipment to Russia.
His body was being carried to the stairway to begin its ride to the local morgue.
Reporters were shown 30 bodies in a local morgue, including two children.
City officials and the local morgue placed the number of dead at at least 25.
The local morgue was unable to cope with demand as bodies from the crash piled up.
The pair then retrieve the corpses from the police site and burn them in a furnace at the local morgue.
George escapes in a police car and finds Edna has been taken to the hospital, where the local morgue is.