But before she could do so, two men from the local mortuary arrived on the porch, bearing a stretcher.
Local business and special interest groups provide a diverse variety of entertainment, including a local alternative hairdresser and even the local mortuary with a display of coffins.
Look for it at your local mortuary.
The bodies of the dead were later identified by family members at a local mortuary.
By last night, two days after a pregnant woman was killed in Missouri and her fetus cut out and taken, the local mortuary still had not heard from her relatives.
He said, "Take that body to the local mortuary.
He was at a local mortuary for a day before his true identity was discovered.
The body is taken to the local mortuary, along with the body of the cabbie which had just been found floating in the river.
His death brought considerable attention to the area and reportedly around 2,500 people came to view his body in the local mortuary before it was sent to Oklahoma for burial.
The wealthiest business in town is the local mortuary, which also serves beer.