Besides their own archives, they also took care of private papers of local noblemen.
Despite the fact he's a castrato, even local noblemen come to respect him both as a sparring partner and a friend.
In the 10th century the situation hardly improved, as various Burgundian and local noblemen continued to dispute over the crown.
She was the daughter of obscure local noblemen called Magas and Antigone.
The manor was divided into three large ploughlands, which were controlled by local noblemen.
The statue depicts most likely a local noblemen as worshipper to a local god.
The bandit leaders might be peasants or local noblemen.
Soon he became famous among the local noblemen, and his fame began to grow rapidly.
He was credited by two local noblemen of assisting them in recovery from the disease.
According to several drawings from the Gaignières collection, the first local noblemen wore suits of armour.